Legal & Financial Services
Please note, you can access the initial 30 minute consultation if your organization includes Legal/Financial services as part of its EAP services. If not or if you aren't sure, please call us at 1.800.769.9819 for additional assistance. Forms are available to all clients who have access to our online Work/Life benefit.
Wherever you are, you can access Legal/Financial consultations. All you need is
your company code to get started which you will use to set up your username and password. Don't know your company code? Call us at 1.800.769.9819 or send us an email through our contact page requesting it.
Healthy Life EAP offers clients easy access to no and low cost legal and financial services.
Legal - Each client is entitled to one (1) initial thirty-minute office or telephone consultation per separate legal matter at no cost with a network attorney. In the event that you wish to retain a participating attorney after the initial consultation, you will be provided with a preferred rate reduction of 25% from the attorney's normal hourly rate. Virtually all types of legal matters are eligible for these services (except employer actions).
“Do It Yourself” Legal Forms Document Preparation - Our simple and inexpensive online/assisted (clients will have access to telephonic document preparers) process will enable consumers to complete their own legal document preparation from the comfort of their home, without incurring the cost of an attorney, or dealing with lengthy completion and delivery periods. Clients will receive a preferred discount of 10% off and the types of forms include, divorce, wills, living wills, power of attorneys, immigration and much more.
Website - Each client shall be provided with unlimited access to the Legal & Financial Resources Web Site with information on thousands of legal and financial topics, over 5,000 legal, more than 45 financial calculators, professionally written articles, FAQ’s and much more and financial forms for our clients’ use.
- Family monthly income & expense analysis
- Debt management & restructuring
- Education & retirement funding assistance
- Free 30 minute telephone consultation
- Referrals to Certified Financial Planners
- Free annual updates and revisions to Financial Plans
- Discounted Financial Plan preparation fees